
mental wellbeing

Introduction Of  Mental Wellbeing: 

We all come to know the world through our mind, we acquainted with everything in this world through our mind, however we never try to understand how actually our mind works and how we perceive all things from world. 
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The world is not like exactly the same what you perceived but it is the reality in your internal world, which you have created in your mind. Either you perceive the world as so beautiful, so worthy of living, or you perceive it as not worthy enough, as if it were hell. It is upto you, your mind, your belief, your experiences and as well as your perception, but you may find the heaven within the hell if you are mentally well, maintain mental wellbeing, Mental Wellness.

What is Meant By Mental Wellbeing:

The process that can change your perception, your point of view, your state of mind is Mental Wellness. Through mental wellbeing you may find the way to live a meaningful life, you can understand better how every thought may effective in your life. 
If you have fear, a Cockroach will scare you away, if you have low self-confidence, then you will be afraid to talk to people, if you are in unresourceful state then your relationship may break-up. All these are just a few example of effect of not being mentally well. Similarly we have to face thousands of such problems in our daily life and we are not ready to deal directly with those problems. As a result, whenever there comes some big obstacle, we bow down before it. Mental wellbeing makes you resilient so that you can overcome obstacles head-on rather than bow down.

4 Components of Mental Wellbeing:

Mental well-being works in four main dimensions in our life, these can be called as 4 components of Mental Wellness.

1) Mental: 

It affects on how a person think and process, how any external event get register in our mind and we react, why do we behave on the way we do! 
This dimension of mental well being helps to develop a resilient so that we can withstand and demolish our mental challenges like anxiety, depression, phobias, stress, etc. The only process to maintain our good mental health is the process of being mental well.
santanu ghosh

2) Emotional:

It makes to understand about our emotions and feelings, how they affect in our life, why do we get emotional, why do we get obsessed, how to control our emotion!
This second dimension of mental wellbeing help us to build a strong emotion. We come to know how to use our emotions and feelings to the highest level in the best possible ways. 
This dimension of mental Wellness process dictates how  people can brilliantly bounce back from the wrong way they are led by obsession and emotions.

3) Social:

Humans are social beings, it is natural for people to have different bonds with each other. People are bound with various relationship like love, marriage, friendship. The third dimension of Mental Wellness refers to how people are attracted to each other, develop relationship with one another.
Mental Wellness process guide us how to strengthen our social relationships, family relationships and love relationships, and teaches to balance this relationship with life in a precious way.

4) Psychological:

It refers the mind and body connection, how people put together the small pieces of their thoughts and respond. This fourth dimension of mental wellbeing approach teaches how our thought processes effect on our physiological and psychological process.
It indicates how psychological reaction (anger, fear, tension) bring under control. This dimension also indicates how we can get rid of sadness easily!
Psychological well being is an important feature of Mental Health. It emphasizes hedonic (joy, pleasure) and eudaimonic (meaning, fulfillment) happiness, as well as resilience (coping with obstacles, emotion regulation, healthy problem-solving).


If you make yourself a better person, a deserving person, if you think good, if you make good decisions for your life, then automatically your perception will be changed, you will be able to find more opportunities to make yourself more happy and prosperous.


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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