release your stress

About the Article:

    • What
      are signs of stress?
    • What are symptoms of stress?
    • Physical & Mental effects of stress.
    • What
      are the causes of stress?
    • Management & prevention of stress.


Stress is the feelings of being overwhelmed or unable to emulate with mental or emotional pressure which causes the opposite effect on our body and mind. In term of NLP Stress is one of our mental states that makes us unresourceful. In everyday life it often gets augmented when we face new challenges, feel that something is going out of our control or something unexpected happens. Stresses produce numerous physical and mental symptoms and vary according to the cause of different situations in each person. Many unpleasant things happen in our daily life and we also have to face many demands which cause stress. Stress is one of the things that can ruin our inner beauty. Various researches have shown that if this stress is not managed properly, it can lead to various human diseases, such as headache, insomnia, increased anger, feeling tense, depression, lack of concentration, reluctance to eat etc. Many researches have shown that stresses are the causes high blood pressure and even affect our immune system.
Many experts have come up with different ideas on how to reduce stress. For hundreds of years, people have been trying in different ways to reduce stress, like fasting, ritual, listening music, chanting, sex, exercise, drugs etc. All of these methods work but within a certain limit. The reason is that we do not go into the main content or deep down. Many people are not aware of that ‘stress is an unresourceful state in our minds’. So if we know what our state is and how to change it, we can easily get rid of stress no matter what the situation is. 

The state is the equivalent to all our experiences at a particular moment in a particular time, in other words, the state is the sum of all neurological processes at a particular moment. In very simple language we call it the mood of a certain moment. Now think if we work properly on our brains and figure out how to move from a unresourceful state to a resourceful state easily, we would be able to overcome any stress.

Let’s see how this state is created. Our physiology and personal internal representations combine to form our state, that is, what we see, what and how we think, what we listen, what and how we say to ourselves about an event or situation makes our state. For example, Suppose you went to meet a person according to a rescheduled appointment, after arriving you find that he is absent. What will be your condition at that moment, what will be your behaviour? If your brain paints a picture of him he is avoiding you or insulting you, you will get angry and annoyed. And if your brain makes a picture that he is out on an urgent need or forced out, your empathy will grow and you will have a peace of mind. That is, the most important thing is how we perceive and represent the outside world to our mind that influences our state. 
Personal internal representation is your own personal experience sent to the brain about an event, person, object, etc.. This results in different reactions from different people about the same event.  If you like comedy movies, other people like romantic. Someone is loving a job that you don’t like. Personal internal representation will change if one’s own point of view changes. 
With this, physiology playing a very important role, you can never go to a unresourceful state by straightening your body, bloating your chest, and raising your head. That means our mussels tension, posture, breathing pattern, what we eat, everything affects our state. Again, if you have sadness in your mind, if you are upset, if there is mental turmoil, your body posture automatically goes down. You can go into the resourceful state by changing your physiology.
In addition to all these, if you continue regular exercise, meditation, chanting or listening to music, your mind will easily become stress-free.


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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