
‘A deserving person does not need to claim, his qualities claim for him’.

Indeed deserving persons demands more than others, but they do not make demands on others, their demands are very intrinsic, they make demands on themselves and make themselves worthy to fulfill all these demands. Incompetent people wait to get something without paying it’s proper value. They make unreasonable demands on society, people or the government, they do not hesitate to take undew advantages from others.

    • Well Deserving Meaning.
    • How Deserving You are.
    • How to be deserving.

you deserve

Well Deserving Meaning:

If anyone is deserving something that means he or she has qualities, he or she is the right person to receive it. Whenever you demand anything from others, it is not necessary that you will have get it, but when you make yourself the person of well deserving then the things will come to you as a reward. We have many examples in this world who achieved a lot of money, love, wealth and many other valuable things without making themselves as the person of deserving but they have no fulfillment in their lives, or they lost everything after a few days. 

How Deserving You are:

There is no instrument and standard in this world to judge how deserving you are. Those people are considered as deserving people in the field of education whose educational qualification is of high quality, the most deserving person in business is the one who understands business, who has economic knowledge, who is skillful in calculations. ‘The person of deserving’ in such various fields is the one who is well versed in that subject. 
You can judge yourself how deserving you are by the result what you are getting at present, present is the result of your past, how deserving you made yourself in past. if you are not getting the result or not receiving anything which your visualising or thinking, it is indicating that you need to improve yourself as ‘the person of deserving’, there is still some qualities missing in yourself. 
It is not exactly true that what you get in life is the direct result of how deserving you are and it is also not like that whenever you make yourself ‘The Person of Deserving’ immediately you will get results. Getting result, getting extraordinary success is a process, if you don’t stop, don’t give up they will come to you, you just have to believe in yourself, you need to have positive mindset.
If you want good relationship, want the life of financial freedom, want perfect love and connection, name and fame, if you want to be extremely successful, then you will have to become the person of deserving, otherwise you will not get results upto the level by demanding or claiming. 
If you raise your standard, increase your qualities, develop yourself up to the lavel what you are thinking to deserve, you will get it today or tomorrow. 
I personally know many people who have reached the peak of success overnight and have earned a lot of fame, especially in today’s age of social media, where it has become possible faster, but almost none of them has been able to sustain that success. It’s only because they didn’t raise themselves to that level, didn’t make themselves the person of deserving, that’s why they fell so fast. 
I remember a recent singer, I’m not mentioning the name, suddenly her song went viral on social media, she became a great singer, became famous within a few days, suddenly she goes from beggar to celebrity, her hustle and bustle and lifestyle changes unimaginably. As soon as the year passed, she returned to her place. Now we are seeing that the social media through which she rose to the top is making her crazy and demeaning not because of her tone of voice – suddenly changed or none has taken away her voice. The fact is that she didn’t deserve what she got, or make herself deserving for it.

How to be deserving:

The first step to make yourself deserving is to stop making demands of others. You may claim to achieve something, but until you have made yourself deserving of it, you cannot enjoy it with joy, or the success will not last. Each of us has many demands, it is better to have those demands and it is important to take responsibility for fulfilling those demands, otherwise the habit of demanding from others will lead your life to a lower level. 
Making yourself ‘the person of deserving’ is a definite process, not an overnight change mantra or a magic spell with God’s blessings. This process is time consuming, ‘yes’ sometimes it may take time for months and sometimes it may take years. 
You want to be a famous singer, want to gain fame! For that you have to practice daily, improve your voice, practice with musicians, do Sadhana and many other methods (I’m not a singer so I don’t know the whole process) to become a great singer. When you follow these methods, it means that you are developing yourself as a qualified singer, you are becoming the person of deserving in this field. Being persistent in goals with passion and focusing on personal development can only lead you to the person of deserving.
If you want to be the person of deserving in any field, you need to understand the actual weakness you have through self-actualization and then you can choose the best ways to improve yourself on those areas.
You can use some affirmations like “I am worthy enough” to program your subconscious mind, this affirmation will not make you ‘The Person of Deserving’, but it will motivate you to make yourself worthy. This motivation will help you to take action, giving you mental strength to become a deserving person. 


Behind every discovery lies years of tireless work and concentration of scientists. What’s more, a person devotes many years of his life to become a deserving person, competent scientist who can discover something new. 
An archer who wins gold at the Olympic Games may be once or it takes a few hours or a few minutes to cover up the competition, but to make himself/herself the person of deserving for the world’s greatest platform of games, it takes years of unremitting hard work and practice. 


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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