

  1. “Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working.” —Pablo Picasso



Motivation is very important to fulfill our goals and to complete all the tasks properly of daily life and we all want to be motivated. Sometimes we get so motivated to do certain things, but after a while that motivation disappears automatically.
We all consciously know what to do or on which way to do. A student knows why and how to read well, family members know what to do for the family and how to do it, such, a business person or an employee knows how to speed up the business or work. Yet in real life we ​​lose our mental strength. In most cases this is happens due to lack of motivation. 


This Article Contains:


  • What is Motivation? 

  • Benefits of Motivation. 

  • Example of Motivation.

  • Motivational Quotes.

  • Why Motivation is Important? 

  • Types of Motivation.
    1. Extrinsic Motivation.
    2. Intrinsic Motivation. 

  • How do you develop Motivation?


What is motivation: 

Motivation is a factor or mental state that influences people to do certain things or multiplies the willpower to do certain things. 

Professor Marie Johansen defines motivation as “motivation is the desire of energy that motivates a person to work to achieve something.”

Motivation makes any task easy and enjoyable for us. Motivation gives mental strength to any person to achieve any kind of success
Motivation is like fuel, that is, energy can be derived from it and we can achieve a lot by using it. 

Benefits of motivation: 

There are times when we lose our way and can’t get out of certain problems. Motivation works like magic to get out of such a complicated situation and adds a driving force. Motivation gives us the mental strength to think constructively and take action.  Motivation plays a vital role in setting specific goals and planning for them. 
‘Motivation’ in its own power can infuse so much energy in the mind of a drowsy person that it can be the main reason for the ultimate success in his life. ‘Motivation’ can enliven a mentally dying person who has lost the battle of life. 

“Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it by use.” —Ruth Gordo

Example of motivation:

We have seen the person who has cycled hundreds of miles to the stadium to watch his favorite cricketer. Despite the adversities, he has traveled to different places of the world to watch his favorite cricketer’s game. When reporters asked this obsessive spectator, he said that the famous cricketer is his only motivation. The inspiration to see his favorite great cricketer has taken him a few crores away by overcoming all obstacles. The spectator could not establish himself as a successful cricketer by the motivation of his favorite great cricketer. But as a spectator, he has achieved success, he has also gained fame. I give this kind of example because this person is motivated to achieve his emotional satisfaction, not to achieve some materialistic things in life.
There are thousands of such examples all over the world about the role of the motivation behind success. 

Why motivation is important: 

At different times we cannot use our inherent strength, we lose interest in different aspects of our life.  In particular, when failure comes, unknown fears are transmitted to the mind, and self-confidence becomes very low, whatever we do in these difficult moments of life, we have had to face emotional obstacles, and our inherent critics make fun of us. 
At such important times in life, motivation plays a vital role in regaining self-confidence, bringing oneself back to normal life, and awakening willpower. Motivation reflects our suppressed intuition and keeps us active and functional. Motivation encourages us to take the necessary steps for personal development and our overall growth. Motivation makes our thinking and behavior patterns much better. 

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ―Maya Angelou

Types of motivation:

Extrinsic motivation: 

If the attraction to any object, person, or reward from the outside world then, that inspiration is extrinsic motivation. This motivation is usually controlled by the external world. 
For example, suppose you are walking past a restaurant and the aroma of your favorite tempting food enters your nose, you immediately enter the restaurant though you know that food is ready for you at home. Just as the aroma of the food has motivated you, in many cases money, cars, houses, different types of rewards, or any other person can be our motivation.
Someone wants a good job or business because he wants to build a nice house or buy an expensive luxury car. Here the car or house is the external reward that motivates him to join a good job or to do big business. Some students become focused on their studies because they want to achieve name and fame, some to study again to earn huge money, and some to pass exams,  all these are extrinsic motivations. 
One thing to be kept in mind in this context, if the aroma of food did not enter your nose, you would not enter the restaurant or ordered food, that is, you would not be motivated. In the same way, extrinsic motivation will remain as long as there is attraction towards an external object or person. 

Intrinsic motivation: 

We all have hunger and we try to get food to satisfy that hunger, we try to find out ways of earning to buy food. In this case, hunger is our intrinsic motivation, for which the whole world has become the busiest today, to satisfy the hunger every leaving being are engaged in some or other activities. 
A student reads because he loves to read, he reads because he wants to know more, or he has curiosity, it’s his intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the hunger that is inherent in us, that hunger can be towards love, it can be towards health, success, or wealth. This hunger motivates us to do something from within and gives us the energy to do something. 
Your self-belief, self-love, your dreams, your ideals, your emotions, or your feelings can be a great intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is driven by personal satisfaction,  enjoyment, happiness, or interest, instead of external factors like rewards or punishment. 
Intrinsic motivation depends on the base of people’s basic needs and drives. Hunger, thirst, and sex are biological needs and 6 profound needs are love/connection, variety, significance, certainty, growth, and contribution, all these needs influence our intrinsic motivation. These are the internal forces that drive us towards our success, towards our goals.

How do you develop motivation: 

As we come to know that motivation is our driving force, so to develop this force we need to take some necessary actions.
  • Set specific goals in any area of your life (follow the ‘MASTERY‘ rules for goal setting).
  • Break this goal down into simple and achievable small steps and tie it into a timeframe. Make sure you divide it into steps so that you don’t feel stressed
  • Create a clear picture or video about the goal in your mind, which will awaken your very powerful subconscious mind (the subconscious mind can understand only the picturized form of thoughts), which will make you active in taking action. As you create your action plan, make it clear what you will achieve when you reach the goal, it could be a materialistic thing or your biological or profound needs, or it could be your Happiness or Name and Fame.
  • Instead of focusing on the problems of life or on the days of failure left behind, always focus on the goal, the problems become disappear and you will feel motivated. 
  • Keeping your body and mind healthy is very important for motivation. The body and the mind together form a system by which human beings are governed, so importance should be given to both. Just like, to keep the body healthy,  nutritious food, sports, and daily exercise must be given importance, in the same way, to keep the mind healthy, to bring back the happiness of the mind, must-read ‘How to be happy and prosperous.’ At the same time doing meditation, affirmation, and visualization every day will make you mentally prepared. 
  • Make arrangements to give yourself a reward. Give yourself rewards whenever you feel you have done something good, enjoy the small successes, it will motivate you from within.
  • Focus not only on achievement but do it also on growth and contribution.  Focus on what you learned from the work, and how much you improved yourself. Focus on what you contribute or what you can contribute, whether it’s either for you or for others or for society. The feeling of contribution can give you a lot more motivation. 

  1. “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” —Zig Ziglar


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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