

7 Surefire Steps to Achieve Goals-min
by santanu


Enormous potential exists in every human being but most of this enormous potential is not utilized by us. There are two main reasons why we can’t use this potential, firstly, most people don’t believe that they have enormous potential. Many people do not have the idea that their real wealth is this huge store of potential within them.
Secondly, people don’t know how to utilize this huge potential i.e. what is their goal and how to use it i.e. how to achieve it. Most of the people in this world do not have any specific goals in life or even if they have goals, they do not know how to achieve them or find a path that will lead to success
In my article ‘MASTERY, The Golden Way to Set Goal‘, I have explained the goal setting method in detail. Setting goals in this specific manner will leave you no room for self-doubt, and it will connect with your emotions. If doubts are removed towards any goal and passion is added then success is inevitable, no obstacles can hold you back.
In this article I will discuss 7 surefire steps that will help you to reach your goals. The 7 steps are not enough for just reading or knowing, to ensure your success, to achieve your goals you need to take regular action on them. Let’s see what the 7 Surefire steps are.

Chunking Down:

Breaking goals down into smaller, more manageable chunks, also known as “chunking down,” helps the goal feel more attainable and less overwhelming. By breaking down a large goal into smaller steps, it becomes easier to focus on one task at a time and make progress toward the overall goal. Additionally, narrowing down goals can help identify any potential obstacles or challenges that may need to be addressed along the way. Overall, reducing goals can help increase motivation, focus, and the likelihood of success.

Setting Time:

Setting a specific time frame for achieving a goal is important because it creates a sense of urgency and motivation to take action. It also helps to establish a clear deadline for achieving the goal, which can help to focus efforts and prioritize tasks. Additionally, setting a time frame for a goal can help to measure progress and make adjustments as needed. Without a specific time frame, it can be easy to procrastinate or lose sight of the goal altogether.
Moreover, setting a deadline for achieving a goal can also help to create a sense of accountability. If you share your goal and deadline with others, you are more likely to be held accountable for achieving it. This can help to increase motivation and drive to achieve the goal.
In summary, setting a specific time frame for achieving a goal is important because it helps to create a sense of urgency and motivation, establish a clear deadline, measure progress, make adjustments, and create accountability.

Making Strategies:

Strategies are important for achieving goals because they provide a plan of action for reaching the desired outcome. A strategy helps to define the steps required to achieve the goal and prioritize which tasks to focus on. A well-defined strategy can help to increase the chances of success by providing a clear roadmap for how to achieve the goal.
Having a strategy allows you to anticipate potential obstacles and develop solutions in advance. It also allows you to identify the resources you will need to achieve the goal, such as time, money, or personnel. Furthermore, it helps to track progress and make adjustments as needed, to ensure that the goal is being achieved in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Strategies also help to align team members and stakeholders in a common direction, making it possible to delegate, collaborate and hold people accountable for their roles in the goal achievement.
In summary, strategies are important for achieving goals because they provide a plan of action, increase the chances of success, anticipate obstacles, identify resources, track progress, make adjustments, align team members and stakeholders, and hold people accountable.


Feedback is important for achieving goals because it helps to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments as needed. Feedback can come in the form of self-reflection, input from others, or data and metrics.
Regularly receiving feedback can help to ensure that you are on track to achieving your goal and to make adjustments as needed. It allows you to evaluate your progress, identify successes, and address any shortcomings or challenges. Feedback can also help to identify blind spots, areas where an individual or a team may not be aware of their own weaknesses or mistakes.
Receiving feedback from others can also provide a valuable perspective and help to identify new opportunities for improvement. This can be especially important in a team setting, where different perspectives can lead to new ideas and approaches.
Moreover, when giving and receiving feedback it’s important to create a culture of openness, honesty and respect, this will foster a sense of trust and collaboration among team members.
In summary, feedback is important for achieving goals because it helps to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, make adjustments, evaluate progress, identify successes, address shortcomings, identify blind spots, and gain valuable perspectives. Additionally, it helps to foster a culture of openness, honesty, respect and trust among team members.

Find the resources you need:

Finding resources is important for achieving goals because they provide the means necessary to accomplish a task or reach a desired outcome. Resources can include materials, equipment, funding, and personnel, among other things. Without access to the appropriate resources, it can be difficult or impossible to achieve a goal. Additionally, having the right resources can make achieving a goal more efficient and effective.
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mental wellness

Give rewards to you:

Giving yourself a reward for achieving a goal can be important for a few reasons:
  • Motivation: Rewards can provide a sense of accomplishment and help to maintain motivation to continue working towards goals.
  • Positive reinforcement: By rewarding yourself for achieving a goal, you are creating a positive association with the task or behavior you want to continue.
  • Encouragement: Rewards can serve as a way to acknowledge and celebrate your progress, which can help to keep you motivated and engaged in the process.

Stay optimistic:

Staying optimistic can help to achieve goals in a number of ways.
  • First, an optimistic mindset allows an individual to approach their goals with a positive attitude and belief in their own abilities. This can increase motivation and effort towards achieving the goal, as well as reducing feelings of discouragement or self-doubt.
  • Second, staying optimistic can help to increase resilience in the face of setbacks or obstacles. When faced with a difficult challenge, an optimistic person is more likely to view it as a temporary setback, rather than a permanent failure. This mindset allows them to persevere and continue working towards their goal, rather than giving up.
  • Third, having an optimistic outlook can help to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. Optimism allows an individual to see possibilities and opportunities, rather than limitations and obstacles. This mindset allows them to identify and explore different strategies and solutions, leading to a better chance of success.
Finally, having an optimistic perspective can also positively impact mental and physical health, which is important to maintain energy and focus in order to achieve goals.


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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