• What does a Productive Day mean or look like.
    • What are the things that make our days unproductive.
    • Routine of Productive day.
    • What makes your day productive.
    • How to make the day much more productive.

a productive day can change a person's life

A moment in a day can change a person’s life. So, if you can make a productive day or every 365 days of the year productive, think about how much higher the success of life can be. There are 24 hours a day for each of us. To a very successful person, scientist, businessman, billionaire, or ordinary people, student, an unsuccessful one has not even more or less a minute than 24 hours.

Successful people are in control of almost every single moment of the day in their lives. Unsuccessful people are unsuccessful because they waste time or misuse it by watching movies, reading the newspaper, gossiping, spending time on social media, chatting or criticizing others, or worrying.


What does a Productive Day mean?

Productive Day means how energetic you have been throughout the day. how much you have grown, how much time you have made, how much you have contributed to yourself, your family, or your community, how much you enjoy the day. Productive Day means how well you have managed to overcome your challenges, how much effort you have put into solving the problemand how successful you have been. Above all, a productive day means that you can go to bed at night feeling comfortable.

Ofcourse, ” morning says the day”, but remember that the day starts at the end of the night; sleepless nights can make your start worse. 

What are the things that make our days unproductive?

    • Sleepless nights:- In order to keep yourself productive or to use the full power of the brain, you need sound sleep. According to medical science, an adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Sleepless nights or sleep deprivation causes high blood pressure; the body’s living organisms cannot function properly; the body does not stay fresh and becomes naturally weak, which influenced directly to our mind. Which makes our state or mood worse. Naturally, productivity decreases.

    Some of the common causes of insomnia include anxiety, watching provocative movies; spending time on social media and going to bed late; and also drinking extra tea-coffee or nicotine. Wasting time behind social media, watching tv, cinema and waking up late from bed and going out for work is a routine of a horrible day. 

    • Messy Routine:- A messy routine is a sign of random living. Most people are accustomed to carrying themselves back to their usual routine. In that routine there is no constructive thought and no plan to develop oneself. Life goes on as usual. There is no time to develop mind or to take care of body. I believe that everything can not go well with following a specific routine throughout the day but some of the time can be spent on improving yourself, keeping your body healthy, and developing your mind.
    • Irrelevant thoughts:- Most people are more worried about others, and with their own past and future. Changing your past and someone else’s is beyond your control. The rest is the future, and today is the suitable day for you to make it beautiful and prosperous. Each productive day will make sure that your future will be beautiful, so why not be constructive today! 

    Ordinary people have a strange kind of thinking about how to increase savings from their own earnings. There is no thought of how to increase earning and what they can do new for it. Irrelevant thoughts,  negative thoughts,  Increase in the Brain through Media and irrelevant discussion. Our minds are filled with negativity when we watch negative news and discuss negative events. A virus of negative thinking makes our minds conservative, just as a virus paralyzes software and hangs over a computer.


How to make the day much more productive:-

Focus on yourself, get off to a great start:- Set a specific time to wake up as early as possible every day. After waking up, freshen up and change your physiology with at least some light exercise or walking. Positive psychology will shift your mind into a positive state; your mood will be freshed. Our state produces results. The quiet environment of the morning is the most suitable for developing one’s mind and body. If the body and mind are not healthy, even the friend’s birthday party also becomes unhappy; it feels poisonous. Set aside time at the beginning of the day to program your mind and develop yourself physically. Behind every productivity or discovery in the world lies the infinite power of our minds.

During morning, arrange your tasks according to their importance. Try to complete the most important tasks early in the day. This will make your day and work more productive.

More Articles About Self development & program your mind:

Enjoy your work:- Enjoy your work without fighting with them. Bathing is also a very complicated task if you do not enjoy it. When we find complexity in work, we call it hard work. All work is not for everyone, do what is relevant to you and say directly ‘no’ to the rest. If a mechanical engineer goes to do software maintenance work, it will get messy; the work will be complicated.

Take a break from work

Take a break from work:- Constant work and usage of brain drains energy and quickly makes the productive day unproductive. Take some time to change the physiology, to change the mental state. Sometimes small breaks can increase the efficiency of work a few times. If you don’t take a break and don’t change the state of mind, things will go wrong, 30 minutes of work can take an hour or more. 

Leave work at your work place:- Do not carry all work buggage in your head or in your suitcase after leaving work place. Evaluate what you have done all day and what is left over. Don’t think about them once you get out of there. Otherwise those will embarrass you if you think about it and may even take away your night’s sleep. Along with the job evaluation, complete-the day evaluation as well, how much did you grow, what were you able to contribute, what challenges did you face, and how did you solve them! These will increase your self-confidence

Enjoy at the end of the day:- Don’t look back; make your mood flutter. Enjoy some time with family, friends or alone, which is your favorite. Enjoy your life openly; don’t think about what happened, what you didn’t get, or what someone said throughout the day. It is also a step towards making your next day more productive.                                                                              

Go to bed with wonderful feelings:- This step is most important to make the next day more productive. A good sleep is the first indicator of your work ethic throughout the day. Take your dinner at the right time, take a short walk without going to bed, wash your face with water and then go to bed. Before that, of course, keep mobile or other electronics gadgets as far away as you can.

Lay down on your back for two to five minutes to calm your mind and visualize the main goals of your life, what you want to be as a person and what you want to get. Imagine all the things you want, to belong with you, enjoy them and fall asleep. The extremely powerful subconscious mind is always alert; he deceives us when we fall asleep.  Visualization of the outcome at bed time leads directly to the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind starts to work on how to make the dream successful. 


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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