Mind and its Programming

The only difference between the ultimate successful person in the world and the common people is in their minds. Successful people become success because of their extreme set of mind. There are thousands of such people like Sachin Tendulkar ,Jessica Cox, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Arunima Sinha , Mary Kom, Bill Gates. All of them have reached the ultimate peak of success with the power of mind.

Mind is the element of a person that enables him or her to be aware of inner and outer world. Mind and Brain are associated to each other. Brain is the physical thing which can be touched but mind is not touchable. For our better understanding we can compare the brain as the hardware portion and mind as software portion of the computer. In the present age our brain is made up of almost equal neurons. There are some exceptions such as brain hemorrhage, abnormal delivery etc.. The main difference among people is their software, that is, the mind. We have this software full of viruses and we do not update our software (mind). Now you tell me if a new computer with latest hardware can run with the old software with virus!!. I will tell you later what the viruses are and how to update our software , before that we have to know how many types of mind and what or how they work.

mind can be divided into three levels
The mind can be divided into three levels 1) Conscious mind 2) Subconscious mind 3) Unconscious mind. When it comes to Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP), we combine the unconscious and subconscious minds into the Subconscious minds for our better understanding.
1) Conscious Mind:-

The Conscious mind involves all the things that we are thinking at present state. It is the aware portion of mind. Although its power is relatively very low , still it plays the role of driver. Its capacity is around 10 percent of our total mind. It has no memory and can hold one thought at a time. The function of this mind is to:
A)Identifying:- It identifies incoming information through six senses . In short we can call it VAK ,that is Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (Kinesthetic=touch , feelings, smell, taste). Suppose you are walking down the street and someone calls you by name, your mind will go there and try to find out from where the sound is coming. Immediately your Conscious Mind started the second task i.e. B)Comparing:- And to do that, Conscious Mind conveys the news to Subconscious Mind. At the same time the subconscious mind compares with the old pictures or information lying in it who called you and send back the information to Conscious Mind. Immediately the third task i.e. C) Analysis begins. Analysing  to find out what the purpose is to call you. And the fourth task i.e. D) Deciding begins. That means deciding whether or not to respond or how to respond.
2) Subconscious Mind:
It is our creative mind. It holds the maximum capacity of our mind (almost 90 percent). Our subconscious mind controls all major and  most important processes of our body like breathing, heart beat, blood circulation, digestion etc.. It is so powerful that it begins to execute any ideas that is pop-up in our mind. This mind has no power to judge.  We have to choose consciously what is good for us and what is bad. When we think or do something over and over again, it will registered in our subconscious mind. Subconscious Mind is a fertile land for us. The better seeds we sow in this land, the better the harvest we draw. And, if the seeds of the weed are sown, then weeds grow. Most of the time in life we ​​see bad news, criticize people and even we ourselves often think negatively or say bad things, they sow weeds in our minds. 

We have all the resources i.e happyness , health, wealth ,love , success  what we need. All are existed in our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is full of priceless treasures. With real use of it, we can get what we want.
How the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed:

First we need to have strong belief in ourselves . Our subconscious mind will be very inspired and will respond to our language if we can make positive affirmations with strong belief. Any fear and doubt is very harmful to our mind. Daily affirmation  is very impactful to mind.

most of the time you have to think positive

Secondly, most of the time you have to think positive and use  positive words while speaking. Yes, it is normal to have not a positive mind at all times. OK, whenever the mind goes negative, do other activities like playing, telling stories, reading motivational books or listening songs, whatever you wish to do. Never bring up any tragic events of the past that are lingering in your mind.

Thirdly: Visualise what you want to get or want to be in your life, suppose you are enjoying that moment right now. Enjoy that moment with emotions and feelings. 
Fourthly:Avoid any criticism, negative news. These are very deadly viruses for mind. Look at the many good things that are happening in the world at every moment. The more you watch and enjoy the good events, the more your subconscious mind will be filled with positive energy and the more you will move towards success.
Fifth: Never make excuses for anything and blame anyone. By doing these, your mind becomes accustomed to the same thing and tries to give you back the same thing. Take the responsibility. Remember that you are only responsible for your own life , no one else.


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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