
    • What is the most important thing about motivation?
    • Factors work behind our demotivation. 
    • What are your motivating factors?
    • What skills do you need for motivation?
    • What are the areas of motivation?
    • How can we always be motivated?

We all want to be motivated to reach  goals and also in all the activities of our daily lives. Sometimes we temporarily become very motivated about certain things. After a few hours or a few days, that motivation disappears automatically. We all know what to do in our own field or which way to go. For example, a student knows how to read well, a family member knows what to do for the family and how. A businessman or an employee knows how to speed things up, even though they have lost their mental strength to do so. Everything becomes irrational and meaningless without motivation. The power of motivation makes everything from waking up to studying, working, and even eating and drinking enjoyable, pleasant, and easy. Without motivation, it is almost impossible to achieve any of your big goals.


Let me give you a few examples with which you can relate real life events. Suppose you go for a tour or excursion somewhere and you will have to go out at five in the morning, you get excited and get up at four if you aren’t an Early Riser. But you find it difficult to wake up at five in the morning to go for a walk or exercise. Or if one day you have to go out for office work at 5 in the morning, you will see that your energy has gone down a lot; you don’t want to get up, even if the clock rings repeatedly. In all cases, the only challenge you have is to get up at five in the morning. Though in each case your attitude is different, this is because of motivation and demotivation.

If you look at simply waking up, you will understand how energetic you are at the time of going out for an outing. It is because of our excitement! If our logical mind is completely satisfied with the ongoing questions about a task, we never lose interest or get demotivated to the task. Getting up in the morning is a similar challenge for you but your logical mind is satisfied because the mind is the solicitor to see or enjoy the beauty; that is, the mind will be filled with joy when you go out. The questions running through your mind, what will you see, what will you eat, how much will you enjoy, how much will you enjoy the beauty of the place, etc. So the logical mind is logically satisfied with the whole process of what we’re going to get and how, that is our outcome. 

On the contrary, if you have to wake up at the same time for some office work, the logical mind has not been satisfied with the information that we give it, and we become demotivated. You will also check that this information usually goes, I do not enjoy the work, it is very difficult to get up in the morning, how to get to work, when the work will be finished, how to return home, if the work is not completed, what is my benefit in this work? etc. That is, our mind suffers from uncertainty and feels insecure. Ultimately it is not clear to our minds what we will achieve by doing the work so our minds lose motivation and suffer from infighting. Several factors work behind our demotivation. 

(1) FEAR:- Excessive thinking and complicated thinking about something creates fear in our minds. This fear disturbs our minds, makes our minds hesitant. Fear is not always our obstacle; but sometimes it becomes very useful to us and careful for us.

(2) LACK OF CLARITY:- What you are going to do, why you are going to do it; how to do it, what is the real result! If we do not have a clear picture in our minds about these, we automatically become demotivated.

3) CONFLICT OF BELIEFS AND VALUES:- Values are our own personal and unique belief in what is most important to us; belief in what is right and wrong. If we don’t have belief in the values of a task in our mind, conflict starts in our mind and we also become de-motivated.

(4) PHYSICAL ILLNESS:- We often lose motivation due to our physical illness. Our minds become very weak when we are physically ill. Our physiology and personal internal representation influence each other, so our mind goes down when our physiology is in an unresourceful state.
We are usually motivated in two ways. (1) we can be motivated by external sources (2) we can be motivated by our own mind.

In this case, an outsider, be it your lover, a motivational speaker or someone else, or the attraction to money or other things may encourage you and you feel motivated. Usually this type of inspiration is not long lasting to keep your motivation up. In most cases these are temporary stimuli and within a few days the inner conflict resumes and we become demotivated. The main reason for this is that they do not work from the root. Many times financial rewards, compliments, progress, competitions are inspirational as boosters to motivate in a specific task. 

2)MOTIVATED BY OUR OWN MIND:- If we are motivated from within our minds for a task, the motivation never goes away. In order to be motivated from within, we need to get rid of unreasonable fears. If we ask ourselves, ‘what is stopping me? What am I afraid of? What is the real purpose behind this fear?’ our mind will give us a reality about the obstacles, then we can easily find out the way to overcome them.
Before doing any work or setting a goal, give the mind full clarity about the work, how to do it, when to do it, in how many days it will take, what will be your achievements. Ask yourself what is most important to you. As I said before, fear is sometimes helpful to us.

If you try to remember a little bit, you will find that in the past you were motivated a lot on something bigger than the present task and you have achieved success. One thing to keep in mind is that ‘we already have the resources to motivate’. Just waiting to awaken those up with the right tools.


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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