Are you really worried?  Then read my words carefully and apply them and you will see where the thoughts have disappeared. Sometimes we get very worried about different things. We cannot find a way to get rid of this anxiety. There are some specific ways to stop worrying . You may not know how this anxiety absorbs energy from our body and mind and stop our progress in life. There are some good techniques for stopping this energy-sucking habit. Anxiety usually comes from the thoughts of an event in the past or future that has no existence at all. So why we will get worried? Past and future does exist only in your mind , kick them out. Here are the five simple ways to overcome this biggest enemy.
1) Exercise:-
Exercise is a natural and effective to realise your tension and stress, boost energy, and enhance your sense of well-being. Even more importantly, by really focusing on how your body feels as you move, you can interrupt the constant flow of worries running through your head. Get up early every morning and start exercising. You can run, walk, dance or play some sports as you wish . At first it would seem very difficult.  Once you start it will become a habit and in 10 to 15 days you will feel very relaxed .Take some deep breath. By practicing deep breathing exercises, you can calm your mind and quiet negative thoughts.
2) Talk to friend , family or loved ones:-
Talk to your loved ones as much as you can and share your thoughts openly. Talk to your family, your friends, or a doctor if you have a good relationship with them. Sometimes saying your problems out loud can get your thoughts straight in your head and if you’re worrying about something useless, saying it out loud can make you realise that it’s just not worth the worry. With those close to you, you can laugh, cry, and moan as much as you like without being judged and this is a healthy way to relieve stress.
3) Meditation:-
Meditation is best tools ever known to get rid over the anxiety. maditation in proper way releases all the stresses in our mind and body. Meditate every morning or every evening for fifteen to twenty minutes. Sit quietly, comfortably , close your eyes, take some deep breath. Thoughts will come and  it is natural to have thoughts during meditation. Try to concentrate your breathing . At the very beginning to concentrate, you can count from hundred to one then you can start whispering any Mantra or chant whatever it is suitable for you. After completing your meditation rub your hands and put them on your eyes. Slowly open your eyes , lay down and take rest for four to five minutes. There are some special meditation like ” twin hurt meditation” , ” inner peace meditation” , “Trans” etc. You can pursuit any of these.
4) Discipline Your Thoughts:-
The reason for your anxiety is that your sub-conscious mind has a number of negative beliefs. Every time negative beliefs pop-up in your mind, they will take you to the unresourceful state. Eliminate negative thoughts by consciously thinking positive thoughts. Control of your thoughts rather than letting them take control of you. Always use positive words when talking to yourself. Recall  the beautiful events of your life that happened in the past ,go in to the time , see what you saw , try to hear what you heard, try to feel what you felt . Every time you think a negative thought, you must turn it into a positive. All negative thoughts are not harmful for us, sometimes it becomes armour for us. So when they come ask every time “is this really helpful?” If the answer is no, turn the thought into a positive . Whilst this may seem difficult at first, it will eventually become your habits. We have no control over anything that is happening in this outer world . We can control only one thing , that’s our mind , our thoughts.
5) Keep yourself busy (BUSY BEE):-
Busy bee means ‘someone who is always busy doing things like bee’. They enjoy doing a lot of things and always keep themselves busy. Keep yourself busy like a bee , bees always keep themselves busy with something. Keep yourself busy with something . Anything, it may be reading , playing with kids , cooking , listening music , painting , cleaning , marketing whatever it may be. Busy means actively devoted in a work . Be interested in the work you are doing and enjoy the work. I urge all of you never to engage in newspapers or media or any TV serials . Most of the time they highlights the negativity . Which creates more  negative impact in our mind .These are much more harmful. When a person is busy with his works very attentively , he does not get anxious .


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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