June 6, 2022

The difference between Successful person and others | Successful vs average persons

by Santanu Ghosh in Uncategorized0 Comments

The survey found that about 95% of people in the world are below average level or mediocre and only around 5% of people are ultimately successful. As a percentage and as a number that is insignificant.  
What is the reason for this huge difference? Why are average or very average people are unable to promote themselves to the ultimate level of success? Do these lack facilities, suitable environment, and necessary resources for all these people, or is there another reason?


The real truth is that a very successful person’s body is built with a body of flesh and blood just like you. He/she was born into this world with the same neurology as you, he/she is never born miracles. However, a few very small habits, thoughts, and attitudes can help them to be very different from the average and very average crowd of people. 

Every success in life, be it small or huge, brings happiness, and each of us has the right to enjoy this joy. Successful people are always inspiring and attractive, so the topic of successful people always comes up in any hot discussion. 

Inventing new ideas:

The average person carries the ideas of others and the most successful people create new ideas. In order to do something big, successful people are attracted to the initiative to do something new, whereas the average and below-average people think in a very simple and conventional way. People who walk on the path created by others remain in the average category. Successful People make their own way, they make their own destiny through their own actions. 

New ideas may arise in the brain of very ordinary persons, but they are incapable of instilling the inner energy, the mental energy in themselves, which is needed to make those ideas a reality. On the other hand, Strong-minded people are constantly striving to implement their brain-invented new ideas, despite the many adversities in their lives, that’s why they can reach the ultimate stage of success.


Goal setting and planning:

Average and mediocre people set goals, but they have no idea how specific and realistic those goals are, and they have no plans to achieve that goals. Successful people not only set specific, realistic goals, but they also make specific plans to achieve them. 

Ordinary people dream but can’t plan to realize those dreams and take action. Successful people create strategies and take continuous action to make each of their dreams come true.

Dependency on others: 

The average or superficial level persons who become dependent on others remain at this level throughout their life. Low self-confidence and low self-reliance are common disorders of the average person that make them dependent on others. On the other hand, self-confidence and self-reliance instill indomitable energy in successful people. 

The average person is more confident and dependent on others than himself. The more a person becomes dependent on others, the more he will have to cheat in life and face failure. Dependence on others makes a person mentally weak and others try to suppress him by taking advantage of this weakness. 

Complaining mood:

The average persons are always in a complaining mood. Instead of taking responsibility they wallow in their sadness and blame others thus they experience more failure. These people seem to be unhappy with life, sometimes blaming their own destiny, sometimes blaming their own family or someone else. The average person spends a lot of time gossiping and slandering. Successful People do the exact opposite, they take responsibility for their own successes and failures, good and bad in their life. They invest their time to do productive work, and they review their own mistakes.

Both the average person and successful person have to face different problems in their lives, it may not always be possible to control that obstacle, but the way to react to them can be controlled. Successful Individuals take life’s obstacles as challenges and look for alternative ways to overcome them.

Satisfied with small achievements:

The average person thinks to keep themselves satisfied with a little, they don’t think of getting anything large. Even with the slightest instant gratification, instant pleasure brings self-satisfaction to the average person. Self-satisfaction will bring saturation in you so that your progress may come to a halt. Just like when hunger is satisfied, there is no more interest in pleasing and tempting food.

Successful People always think of long-term rewards without thinking of instant pleasure. They do not even hesitate to give up their temporary possessions and wait for the real joy of life. The more success they have achieved, the more hungry they become, and the more hungry they are to succeed in something new.


Feeling arrogant:

There is no arrogance in the minds of the ultimate successful people. In general view, it may seem to that successful people are very arrogant, in fact, if you sincerely mingle with these people, you will realize how down-towards they are, how hearty they are, and how eager they are to extend a helping hand to the people. Really successful people do not discriminate among people.

The average person, on the other hand, has a very conservative mind, and they cannot easily associate with or adapt to others. After receiving or achieving small things, they become arrogant and are always busy presenting themselves in front of others. 

Where the focus is, on weakness or strength:

The average persons are always focused on their weaknesses and are busy crying over them. Successful people, on the other hand, identify their strengths and take care of them in a way that makes them proficient and valuable. There is a very important quote given by Bruce Lee in this context.

” I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times.”

Everyone has a unique quality, and if you find that quality and take proper care of it, you can become an expert. Expertise in a particular subject and its proper application can bring success in any field. 


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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