October 9, 2022

‘Laziness’ The Enemy Of your Success

by Santanu Ghosh in Uncategorized0 Comments

  • Laziness
  • What is the cause of laziness?
  • What defines a lazy person?
  • Is laziness a mental disorder?
  • Phychological theories of Laziness
  • How do I stop being so lazy?
Image by Mote Oo Education from Pixabay


Laziness is the nature of not being willing to do something or use energy. Laziness is one of the enemies, a great obstacle to achieving great success. It has to be banished from life, otherwise failure will consume you instead of success and everything you have achieved in life will gradually disappear from you. 

What is the cause of laziness ?

Actually laziness is not a physical handicap it is a mental handicap. The sooner you can get out of this obstacle, the life will become prosperous, otherwise life will turn into hell. According to Newton’s first law of motion, “a body remains in the state of rest unless and until an external force is applied”, same thing is happening also in human behaviour. People who are lazy do not want to do anything themselves unless they are prompted or motivated from outside, procrastinating on everything. In order to get success in any work, it is necessary to take proper action, otherwise sitting at home, not working and only thinking can bring no result but failure. 
Just because you’re procrastinating on a particular task doesn’t mean you’re lazy, laziness is the tendency to procrastinate on each and every task, feel bored just hearing about work, and not wanting to do anything. Laziness may or may not affect anything else, but it will greatly affect on your life. 
Laziness can be synonymous with indolence and sloth, i.e “without pain” or “without taking trouble”. And slathness is considered one of our greatest vices, degrading our intellect and judgment. As the saying goes “Idle brain is the devil’s workshop”. Laziness provokes all kinds of negative thoughts

Phycological theories of Laziness:

Our subconscious mind has many excuses and many reasons to keep us away from doing something. Our mind always wants to put us in a comfortable zone, to relax us. If we don’t consciously take control of this tendency of our subconscious mind then the strong subconscious mind will make us lazy for instant gratification. 
The first step to overcome laziness is to consciously take control. Just as the rider tames the strong wild horse by whipping, bridling and training first, so the conscious mind has to take control over this wild behavior of our subconscious mind. And to do this the following points should be given importance. 

How do I stop being so lazy?

Unfold your future to you:

Visualize how your laziness will effect on your future life, where this laziness will take you in the next five years, how much you will deteriorate, thus create a picture in your mind of the next ten years and twenty years. Break state when the visualization is completed.  
Now visualize how beautiful your coming days, years will be if you can get out of laziness, what positive changes will come in life in all areas including financial, health, love, success etc. Whenever you do this, the pattern of your subconscious mind will begin to break. 
Laziness is never a problem it’s just a psychological symptom, and so try to evaluate yourself whenever laziness comes. Try to find out where it is coming from, is it a lack of motivation, or is there any fear working behind it, who is holding you back? If you can know the real reason, you yourself will be able to deal with it and then your self-efficacy will increase manifold. 
Image by Екатерина Гусева from Pixabay

Start with simple task:

To overcome laziness, first try to keep yourself busy on doing things that you enjoy, things that give you emotional satisfaction, then the tendency to work will gradually increase. Almost everyone wants to avoid tasks that seem complicated or unnecessary to the mind. Whenever you don’t want to face something, especially doing boring tasks or facing difficult tasks, it will create laziness in you. To get out of such a situation, before doing any such work, rationalize your mind what you will gain by completing the work, what will be good for you. 

Find a partner or a coach to motivate you:

There won’t always be someone to motivate you, but to overcome your laziness in primary stage you need someone who can work hand to hand with you, a person who can encourage you. Having got such a person you can easily overcome your laziness, be it your friend or your mental wellness coach. Not only this, but this kind of emotional bonding can make any work much easier and constructive to you. If there is any fear behind doing nothing, especially the fear of failure, it can be easily overcome with the help of a true partner, with the help of a valuable coach. 
But one thing must be taken care of in this case so that you will not be dependent on others. So, when the laziness tendency starts to disappear from you, start doing some tasks by yourself, then you will see that “snake will die but stick will not break”. 

Set goals

If you don’t know where you want to go, you will end up in an unknown place i.e unwanted life. So set big goals in life but break those goals down into smaller chunks, so that you’ll have a crystal-clear picture of your outcome and it won’t feel like a burden anymore. Create daily, monthly targets based on your outcomes and write them down and take feedback on regular basis how far you are moving towards your goals. Don’t expect anything to work perfectly, because nothing in this universe is perfect. Do whatever you can, as much as you can, good or bad, take action and action will produce results.

Involve yourself in small daily activities: 

Try to do the small tasks of the house, family or yours, such as packing your belongings, ironing clothes, helping in cooking sometimes, buying something from the market, etc. Also, to get rid of laziness, you can take a short walk outside the house in the morning and evening, start to do a little exercise, do various physical activities. 


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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