
      • The
        effects of self-control on life.
      • The
        importance of self-control.
      • Examples
        of self-control.
      • Reasons behind loss of self-control
      • How
        do you develop self-control?

The greatest aspect of self-control is to keep  oneself away from any temptation
from pixabay

The greatest aspect of self-control is to keep  oneself away from any temptation, negative emotion, bad temper, anger, hatred – all these un-resourceful mental states. Self-control is the ability to control one’s behavior and thoughts in a positive way. 
The effects of self-control on life:-  Normal people start behaving abnormally due to lack of self-control.  Research says in lack of self-control leads to murder people and breaks up relationship. Lack of self-control leads people to bad habits, that is, self-love is also coated. Lack of self-control makes people greedy, lustful which leads more to evil deeds. 
Once you look back to your life, you will find that your lack of self-control is at the root of somewhere or other of your painful memories. We almost all think we have enough self-control, but is that really true? If you have self-control then why do you get angry suddenly?  Why are you so emotionally broken?  Why don’t keep yourself away from tempting spicy foods to keep the body healthy?  How do others light the lamp of your mood? 
The importance of self-control:-  Science says self-control has a significant impact on your physiological and mental state. Self-controlled persons are much healthier and happier than others. Lack of self-control can shake your steadfast attitude towards your goals and even shake the foundation of a successful life. One small mistake in life that takes a few minutes to make can leave a mark on your whole life. Self-control, self-discipline is the only medicine that can stop you from making all these mistakes. 
Most of the time we try to control other but we don’t focus on our self-control. ‘How can one who has no control over oneself go to control another?’  If you ask yourself this question, you will become low in your mind, you will lose. Self-control increases our love for ourselves, increases self-confidence, self-esteem. Self-control involves examining all aspects of a situation and understanding how to choose the best one. There must be self-control to choose the best way of life. 
the strongest horse is guided by the words of a much less powerful rider
from pixabay

If you can’t control yourself, you won’t be able to know when your control will be transferred to someone else. Even the strongest horse is guided by the words of a much less powerful rider than by it, controlled by his tapping, his whip, his bridle. Make yourself a good rider without making yourself a strong horse, life is yours so become your own director.
Reasons behind loss of self-control:-  There are two main reasons  that we can’t control ourselves. 
Firstly, Instant Gratification:- The pleasure of temporary Instant Gratification is easily absorbed in our minds because we are not clear of our future gift. We all know what the future holds for eating chocolate but instant gratification, temporary pleasure attracts us so much that we forget the pain of the future. The mind becomes so overwhelmed with instant gratification that it blurs the two images of the future pain and pleasure. As long as the long-term rewards are not clear to you, the short-term aspirations will never stop, you will be unable to control yourself. 
Secondly, Lack of self understanding, lack of knowing one’s own strength:-  We do not understand our power, do not understand ourselves. We always keep questions about our own abilities, on own self, as a result, faith and love for oneself gradually decreases and trust and reliability on others increases. Gradually we become accustomed to the cooperation of others, our reliance on others grows. Our own willpower disappears, so we don’t even realize that when we have lost self-control, someone else has become our controller. 
How to develop self-control:- 
Delay gratification:- Sometimes it’s called deferred gratitude. It is the resistance to the temptation of an immediate pleasure. Your mind is drawn to delay gratification if you can convince your mind in the right way, what are the great rewards that  you will achieve in the process you are in, if you can move forward by giving up the instant gratification. The clearer the image of the future in our minds, the more excited we will be to find it, which will save you from being lured. This needs to be more motivated and more steadfast towards goals. Proper use of thought process in a purposeful and creative way can increase a lot of the taste of delay gratification which directly affects the self-control. 
One of the most beautiful ways to build a habit of delay gratification is to bring two images to mind. First image, What you can gain and what you are going to lose in the future if you succumb to the temptation of instant gratification, clear all the images in your mind. Then break your state and highlight the second image to your mind. Imagine how much rewards you are going to achieve, how bright the future will be if we do not succumb to lure. Visualization in this way will be programmed in your powerful subconscious mind, that will not allow you to fall into the clutches of temptation easily. 

More Articles About program your powerful subconscious mind:

Improve yourself:- There are many aspects of life where we can improve ourselves. Every moment of every day we have many opportunities to improve ourselves, to be more constructive. From a student to a business person, employee, scientist, or a politician, there are many more areas to grow in life.  As you improve yourself, the small greeds will continue to merge. Then you will no longer be tempted to lower yourself in the temptation, the more you improve, the more self-control will gradually increase. 
The fundamental activities from research is that restraint is eventually restricted by our science. We can’t practice effortful Self control endlessly – the mind needs to do ordinary upkeep to stay useful.
The justification for why certain individuals are great at self-control in any case isn’t on the grounds that they put forth more attempt. All things considered, these individuals keep away from effortful systems like concealment and opposition and utilize simpler procedures like re-examination. Rather than effortfully restraining their programmed drives, they sidestep them. Along these lines, they don’t burden their cerebrum, which then, at that point, don’t need to do housekeeping so rapidly. Subsequently, they are allowed to put their work into seeking after their objectives, rather than battling with themselves.
Researchers have shown that people who have fostered a mental self image around prudent exercises are bound to recognize and resolve self-control conflicts. For these individuals, reveling causes an expense for their mental self-portrait – it goes against the convictions they have about themselves. Then again, staying away from the enticement and picking the choice with deferred rewards secures their mental self-portrait
Individuals-high on restraint-often practice self-control just to motion toward themselves that they have solid self-discipline. The more powerful the enticements, the greater the pleasure they derive from overcoming them. 


Santanu Ghosh

Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Relationship Counselor

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